Aim for Equity is a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation project that draws on mindfulness to drive systemic transformation for STEM faculty at WashU. AIM for Equity activities will target systemic causes of intersectional gender inequity for STEM faculty in three main areas:
- policy standardization and transparency in a highly decentralized organizational culture and infrastructure
- increased supports for faculty work–life balance
- greater recognition of multidimensional and intersectional faculty identities within departments and schools.
This project centers on civic mindfulness, an innovative concept that expands mindfulness from an individual practice to a collective approach for advancing institutional equity and organizational well-being. Civic mindfulness emphasizes collective responsibility for institutional change by fostering empathy, compassion, and shared accountability among faculty, particularly senior faculty, and leaders. It also centers equity by incorporating cultural humility and anti-racism. Through intentional work with senior faculty and academic leaders, this project’s civic mindfulness approach is designed to transform WashU’s organizational climate and culture, creating a more mindful and equitable institution where faculty of all backgrounds and identities can succeed and thrive.
This five-year grant-funded project will begin in Fall 2024, with the goal of becoming part of WashU’s institutional infrastructure after NSF funding concludes. As an NSF-supported project, AIM for Equity activities will focus on STEM faculty and leaders on the Danforth and Medical campuses, and many also will be open to non STEM and non-clinical faculty and departments.
Aim Center for Faculty Equity
- Enhance department heads’ and school leaders’ effectiveness in developing and implementing gender equitable faculty policies and practices
- Demonstrably improve work–life balance and job satisfaction among women STEM faculty
- Accelerate successful career trajectories of all women STEM faculty, especially historically underrepresented (racially/ethnically) women
- Substantially enhance efforts to recruit, retain, and promote all women STEM faculty, particularly those of diverse backgrounds
- Launch of the AIM Center for Faculty Equity Center (AY24-25)
- Mindful and Equitable Leadership Institute for Department Heads (begins Fall 25)
- AIM Civic Mindfulness Curriculum for
Faculty (begins AY25–26) - Inclusive Excellence Scorecards and Action Plans (begins AY25–26)
- Annual Policy Retreats (begins AY25–26)
- AIM Dialogues on Diversity in STEM (begins AY26–27)
- AIM Work–Life Advisor Program (begins AY26–27)
New NSF grant to fund faculty equity programs and new center focused on civic mindfulness, (September 13, 2024)
- Kia Caldwell, Lead PI and Executive Director, AIM Center for Faculty Equity, c.kia@wustl.edu, 314-935-5068
- Aurora Kamimura, Co-PI and Associate Director, AIM Center for Faculty Equity, aurorak@wustl.edu, 314-935-7044
- Cortney Knipp, Program Manager, AIM Center for Faculty Equity, knippc@wustl.edu,

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under ADVANCE Award 2426511. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.