WashU is a vibrant and diverse institution with multiple opportunities for faculty and staff. Learn about a variety of resources available to our community.

Danforth open faculty positions
Fall 2024
Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance
The Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office is committed to responding to discrimination – including sexual harassment and sexual violence – in an effective, timely and transparent manner. We are equally committed to ensuring any individuals involved in these incidents will be treated as respectfully and fairly as possible.
Adjunct Faculty Union
In 2015, more than 300 WashU adjunct professors voted to join Service Employees International Union Local 1. The collective bargaining agreement was last updated in 2021.
Adjunct Faculty Professional Development Fund
WashU has established a professional development fund for eligible adjunct faculty members. The fund provides approved faculty members with up to $600 per fiscal year toward the reasonable costs associated with professional development activities which will contribute to the improvement of teaching. Documentation of expenses must be provided upon request. Please submit the following form to your department chair/ program director for initial approval. The request will then be reviewed by the Provost’s office.