The Office of the Provost sponsors several programs and initiatives that promote student achievement and recognize outstanding faculty who have made significant contributions in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service.
Learn more about current programs and initiatives that support WashU’s academic mission.
For additional information, please contact our office.

Student Sunrise
The Student Sunrise project is a unique opportunity to examine the tools, processes, policies and structures that support our academic mission and to make enhancements that will better serve our students, faculty and academic staff, and WashU as whole.
All programs
Cluster hire focused on race and ethnicity scholarship (2020-23)
Through the Race and Ethnicity Cluster Hire Initiative, Washington University in St. Louis has taken important steps toward building a world-class research program on race.
Danforth campus climate and culture
In February 2023, Provost Wendland created the Danforth Task Force on Climate and Culture (DTFCC) to identify practices that may lead to negative outcomes, recommend best practices to prevent them, and create an inclusive environment where all can thrive.
Aim for Equity is a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation project that draws on mindfulness to drive systemic transformation for STEM faculty at WashU.
Empowering faculty
We are committed to supporting all faculty members and celebrating the outstanding teachers and researchers in our community.
The Office of the Provost convenes committees as needed to help oversee some initiatives.