At WashU we are strengthening our commitment to mentoring. Effective and culturally competent mentoring is critical to the success and thriving of students, trainees, postdocs, and faculty. Learn about mentoring resources available to help our community members nurture positive and successful mentor/mentee experiences, as we support the next generation of scholars, researchers, and faculty.
Reporting Misconduct
The following reporting channels are not emergency services, and reports submitted through these channels may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your public emergency services.
Mistreatment against learners
Misconduct toward undergraduate and graduate students
Sex-based discrimination & harassment
- Mandatory reporters, including all faculty and most staff: follow Title IX instructions.
- Everyone else: select the route you feel is most appropriate to your circumstance: Title IX office, RSVP Anonymous Reporting Form, WashU Police
All other misconduct
- Select the route you feel is most appropriate for your circumstance: Office for Student Conduct and Community Standards, WashU Police, Bias Report & Support System
Mistreatment against others
Misconduct toward faculty and staff including postdoctoral researchers
Sex-based discrimination & harassment
- Mandatory reporters, including all faculty and most staff: follow Title IX instructions
- Everyone else: select the route you feel is most appropriate to your circumstance: Title IX office, HR, EthicsPoint, University Compliance Reporting Form
All other misconduct
Reports may be submitted via:
- EthicsPoint Confidential Concern Portal and Hotline: for questions and concerns about ethics, compliance or the university’s Code of Conduct
- University Compliance Reporting Form and Hotline: for Code of Conduct violations
- Additional options for resolution are listed in the discrimination and harassment policy
Title IX mandatory reporter requirements: Responding to sexual discrimination and harassment
Title IX is the federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities. Under the law, sexual harassment and sexual violence, which are forms of sex discrimination, are also prohibited. All individuals participating in educational programs or activities that are affiliated with WashU – including faculty, staff, students and third-parties attending university-sponsored events – are protected by Title IX.
Mandatory reporters — including all faculty and most staff members — who either witness or are notified about a potential incident are required to report it to their supervisor or the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office as soon as possible. Even if a mandatory reporter believes an incident has already been reported, they should share it with their supervisor or the Title IX office. Because the university has a legal obligation to address sexual harassment, mandatory reporters cannot guarantee confidentiality if it conflicts with the university’s obligation to meaningfully investigate or take corrective action.
Related policies and procedures
- Policy on Discrimination and Harassment
- University Policies on Relationship and Sexual Violence
- General Principle on Alcohol Service at Events Sponsored by Graduate and Professional Students and Organizations
Additional support
These confidential spaces exist outside of the reporting mechanisms to provide community members support in dealing with troubling workplace and learning environment situations:
- The Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center (RSVP)
- The Offices of the Ombuds
- Habif Health and Wellness Center
- Work-Life Solutions
- TimelyCare (Licensed physicians and counselors available 24/7 to provide a range of services, including: on-demand medical care, appointment-based medical care, on-demand mental health support, appointment-based mental health counseling, psychiatric support, and health coaching.)